Saving Lives
Improving Cardiac Resuscitation

To Cool or Not to Cool? The latest on targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest
Benjamin Abella, MD, MPHIL
Director, Center for Resuscitation Science
University of Pennsylvania
Nicole Kupchik, MN, RN, CCNS, CCRN, PCCN, CMC
CEO and Independent Clinical Nurse Specialist
Nicole Kupchik Consulting, Inc.
This program is approved for 1.0 Contact hour for Nurses and Respiratory Therapists. After watching the webinar, you may go to and register to take the test. Once you have successfully completed the test, you may print out your certificate immediately.
Moderate therapeutic hypothermia is currently recommended to improve neurologic outcomes in adults with persistent coma after resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Recently published studies have re-examined this practice to determine the most effective the targeted temperature. Questions that are addressed include whether it should it be 33° C or 36° C or just avoid fever? You will learn the most up to date infromation from two experts with direct experience with this therapy for over two decades. They will share insights from their published studies as well as the HYPERION and TTM2 trial.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
Discuss the findings of recent published studies including the
TTM-2 and HYPERION trials -
Discuss the concept of high quality TTM and tailoring therapy to
severity of post-arrest injury
Faculty Bios:
Dr. Abella is the Vice Chair for Research, Department of Emergency Medicine
Director, Center for Resuscitation Science and Medical Director, Penn Acute Research Collaboration (PARC). He has published over 200 scholarly works, reviews and monographs in numerous professional journals including NEJM, JAMA and Circulation, as well as textbook chapters on cardiac arrest and resuscitation. He is Co-Chair of the global Resuscitation Science Symposium and has participated in developing international CPR guidelines. He has won a number of honors for his research, clinical care in the Emergency Department and his teaching of residents and medical students and has lectured widely on the topics of cardiac arrest and post-arrest treatment.
Nicole Kupchik has practiced as a critical care nurse for over twenty years. In 2008, Nicole led a team that implemented a formalized sepsis program at Harborview Medical Center that led to a reduction in mortality, hospital length of stay and a significant cost avoidance. For these collaborative efforts, she was awarded three Patient Safety and Clinical Leadership